
TOYOKEIKI CO., LTD. Reorganization and Staff Assignment

December 20th, 2019

This is the announcement of reorganization and staff assignment, dated on Jan. 6th 2020, of TOYOKEIKI Co., LTD.

Reorganization (on Jan. 6th 2020)

  • TOYOKEIKI establish “Kanto Branch Office” to control Tokyo Branch and Kita Kanto Branch.
  • Hiroshima Office will change to Chugoku Branch Office.

Staff Assignment (on Jan. 6th 2020)

Name New Position Former Position
Shoji Miyashita Director, Branch President of Kansai Branch Office Director, in Charge of Hokkaido Area
Yoshikazu Kurita Director, Branch President of Kanto Branch Office Director, Manager in Chuo Branch, Kanazawa office
Kazuo Ono Vice Branch President of Kanto Branch Office General Manager of Smart Cloud Division
*continue to be in charge
Tomoyuki Okawa General Manager of Chugoku Branch President of Kansai Branch Office
Toshifumi Otani Assistant Manager of Fukuoka Branch General Manager of Hiroshima Office
Takashi Maruyama Manager in Chuo Branch, Kanazawa office Assistant Manager in Chuo Branch, Kanazawa office
Takamichi Nishizawa Assistant Manager in Kanto Branch Office, Kita Kanto Branch Assistant Manager of Kita Kanto Branch
Yohei Ohno Assistant Manafer of Chugoku Branch Assistant manager of Kansai Branch Office,Kansai Office.